In order to be able to give a serious recommendation for training (type, scope, intensity), the individual physical performance is determined in advance. We usually get the information for this from a performance test on the ergometer.

The lactate line diagnostics or the lactate level test is one of the most valuable measuring methods for determining general fitness and optimal training planning. It is a quick and inexpensive means of boosting the fat metabolism in a targeted manner.

Important questions regarding fitness and training are clarified.

  • Am I fit for sports and healthy?
  • How is my fitness and performance?
  • What could be training goals?
    • Specific
    • Measurable
    • Achievable
    • Realistic
    • Timely defined
  • How is the previous training to be classified in terms of scope and intensity 
  • How can I improve my health and performance through physical training?
  • What kind of exercise should I choose to lower my blood pressure.
  • Are there any health risks if I do sports?
  • What should be considered if weight reduction should be the goal.
  • What role does nutrition play if I want to improve my performance. The internet is full of conflicting information.
  • My goal is to take part in a (half)marathon or triathlon. Do I have the physical requirements for this? How should I prepare for this and approach the training correctly?

How it's done

In the lactate performance diagnostics, the organism is continuously stressed in certain stages. For example on one bicycle ergometer. After each load level (5 minutes), a tiny drop blood is taken from the earlobe entnommen. Mit einem speziellen Gerät wird die Laktatkonzentration bestimmt. Gleichzeitig wird die heart rate dokumentiert.

Initial Diagnosis
The first diagnostics are carried out to the point of exhaustion. Valuable insights into the absolute resilience of the body are gained here.

Follow-Up Diagnostics
With known performance, follow-up diagnostics focus on the area to be developed. Fewer, but longer, load levels are used.


With lactate performance diagnostics, it is possible to find out which energy sources are tapped into during certain physical stresses on the body. This enables a clear training recommendation to expand the capacities in fat metabolism. 

Optimal training stimuli the body can use to build up and does not see it as overloading.


The measurement of lactate is a relatively inexpensive method that can be carried out quickly and easily and achieves very reliable results.

Spiroergometry also produces good results, but the technical effort is significantly greater.

The frequently used methods for determining a state of fitness and for training control are based on the determination of the heart rate at different loads. However, due to the high fluctuation of the heart rate, this parameter alone is not sufficient and very inaccurate. This is also where commercially available technical aids, such as heart rate monitors, fitness bands, etc. come in. They do not create reliable results that allow for a solid training plan.

Also by means of a rule of thumb (200 – age, etc.) advice is given, which unfortunately all have to be sorted into the drawer "dubious".

more information

If you are interested or have any questions, write me using the contact form!


Prevention = Health Care

The principles of moderate training apply not only to improving the performance of athletes, they can also be transferred to prevention with great success.

If you want to integrate exercise and sport into your life in such a way that you also reap long-term health benefits, you should invest in your most important training equipment:

Your Body

Prevention is responsibility and precaution for one's own health, one's own body and psyche.

"Move more, do sports" or something similar is often the general advice when it comes to establishing a healthy lifestyle.

Movement alone is not enough. If you just start moving like that, you can also do a lot wrong. As the saying goes: "The dose makes the poison!" And if movement is the medicine, the dose should be well balanced.

In order to achieve the desired effects, you need the right fuel. Nutrition, i.e. the supply of the required nutrients, plays an important role!
... or have you ever seen a racing driver pour heavy fuel oil into his tank?

Dealing with thoughts and feelings correctly also helps them to stay mentally healthy.

Plato already knew: "The surest way to health is to prescribe to each person the exact necessary dose of food and exercise: not too much and not too little."

But the "medication movement" must be dosed precisely. Simply training in the dark, or carrying out training according to any mathematical formulas that are not tailored to your own body, can very quickly overload and cause damage.

How do you move correctly?

The most important and first step towards correct prevention and success is always the analysis of one's own "muscle factories". Lactate-Performance-Test. This determines exactly the right amount of exercise, which is beneficial to your cardiovascular system and thus your success.

The right measure is always different, a different scope,
individually tailored to each person.

It's just the amount that's healthy, right, and therefore ideal for you.

This is healthy exercise that works, guarantees you success and does not harm!

Prevention is possible for everyone and always!

Benefit from the effects of intelligent training

  • improved physical performance
  • improved ability to concentrate
  • lower risk of heart attack
  • lower blood pressure
  • improved blood lipid levels
  • permanent weight management
  • reduces body fat percentage
  • stronger immune system
  • better stress tolerance
  • strengthened bone structure
  • better quality of cartilage, tendons, ligaments
  • better attitude towards life

If you are interested or have any questions, write me using the contact form!

Personal Training

Do you have sporting goals and problems implementing them? Again and again you are thrown back in your training because complaints thwart your training plan. Then it's time for an error analysis. The problems often lie in the running technique, a lack of flexibility or an unfavorable training plan. Put yourself to the test and we will find a solution.  

    for (half)marathon / triathlon by top athlete (Ironman winner) Michael Wegricht Michael Wegricht

If you are interested or have any questions, write me using the contact form!

training with med. diagnosis

You want to get fit again. Due to existing medical diagnoses, however, you are unsure what a meaningful training can look like for you, then you have come to the right place.

Some diagnoses where excellent results can be achieved with well-controlled training:

Acute pain has a warning function, chronic pain usually not. Pain then becomes the disease itself, it is a disease on it's own.

Anyone who suffers from chronic pain is also mentally stressed. Stress, tension and anxiety - feelings that chronic pain patients know all too well. These lead to those affected taking it easy, limiting leisure activities and social contacts, and perhaps even giving up entirely. This can promote the development of depression. Sleep disorders, anxiety disorders, psychoses and stress disorders can also occur.

Find out what solutions can look like so that pain is finally a thing of the past!

Find out what solutions can look like so that pain is finally a thing of the past!

Long COVID is the general term for the health problems and long-term consequences that can occur after infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. The currently scientifically ambiguous term "Long COVID" includes symptoms that persist, worsen or reappear more than four weeks after infection with the coronavirus. If symptoms persist after three months and persist or recur for at least two months, they are referred to as post-COVID syndrome.

About 30 percent of all German citizens suffer from this vascular disease. If left undetected and untreated, it can have serious consequences. About 50 percent of all strokes, Heart attacks and peripheral arterial occlusive diseases could be avoided if those affected recognized their high blood pressure in good time and had it treated.



normal blood pressure

In healthy people, the optimal blood pressure value of the systolic pressure is 120-129 mmHg, that of the diastolic pressure is 80-84 mmHg.

High blood pressure
High blood pressure, which is still considered normal, is when the systolic pressure is 130 to 139 mmHg and the diastolic pressure is 85 to 89 mmHg.

Arterial hypertension grade I
Mild high blood pressure is when the systolic pressure is between 140 and 159 and the diastolic pressure is between 90 and 99 mmHg.

Arterial hypertension grade II
A value of 160 to 179 mmHg or 100 to 109 mmHg is considered moderate high blood pressure.

Arterial hypertension grade III
Severe blood pressure is when the systolic pressure is over 180 mmHg and the diastolic pressure is over 110 mmHg. Patients whose systolic pressure is greater than 140 mmHg while diastolic pressure is less than 90 mmHg suffer from isolated systolic hypertension.


  • Stress
  • lack of exercise
  • smoking
  • alkohol
  • unhealthy food
    • too much (fattened) meat
    • too much unhealthy fats
    • too much salt



Most important:

  • regular physical training
  • Stressmanagement
  • weight reduction
  • diet change
  • minimizing risk factors
    • nicotine
    • alkohol

These measures are accompanied by many other positive health effects. Examples would be: 

  • higher stress tolerance
  • improved physical performance
  • improved blood lipid levels
  • Reduced body fat (particularly belly fat)
  • stronger immune system
  • better quality of connective tissue (Fascia)
  • better attitude towards life

Eine Hypertonie sollte medikamentös eingestellt sein. Mit intelligent gesteuertem Training und ärztlicher Kontrolle können diese Medikamente mit der Zeit reduziert, bzw. ganz abgesetzt werden.

Burnout is a state of being physically, mentally and spiritually "burned out", a disease that affects more and more people today and that can affect anyone.

Those affected often do not know how to deal with this feeling of being overwhelmed, where the causes lie and how they can find their way back to their full potential, mental strength and physical and psychological health.

The path to burnout hits people who are characterized by above-average commitment in their job and life and has nothing to do with personal failure. Burnout sufferers often shy away from common drug and psychiatric treatment methods.

Depression is a serious mental illness that can occur at any age. Those affected feel very depressed, lose their interests and are exhausted and listless. The disease is long-standing and rarely gets better on its own without treatment. 


  • Main Symptoms
    • deep dejection
    • loss of interest
    • listlessness
  • Side Symptoms
    • insomnia
    • self-doubt
    • guilt
    • difficulty concentrating


  • Psychotherapy
  • Medication
  • controlled aerobic endurance program


The Metabolic Syndrom is occasionally also called deadly quartetReaven-Syndrom or Syndrom X designated. It is considered (along with smoking) to be the key risk factor for arterial disease, especially coronary artery disease, and is characterized by the following four factors:

  • Abdominal obesity
  • High blood pressure (also highly normal values from 130 mmHg systolic)
  • Lipid metabolism disorder with hypertriglyceridemia and low HDL cholesterol
  • Insulin resistance or impaired glucose tolerance

read the whole article here on Wikipedia



The focus is on reducing hyperinsulinemia and dyslipidemia. A significant improvement is often already achieved through lifestyle changes .

Most Important:

  • regular physical training
  • weight reduction
  • diet change
  • minimizing risk factors
    • nicotine
    • alkohol

These measures will most likely affect both insulin balance and cholesterol levels.

Hypertension should be controlled with medication. Drug therapy is also indicated for persistent dyslipidemia and/or hyperglycemia.

Alle onkologischen Diagnosen können durch individuell angepasstes Training positiv beeinflusst werden!

Ein strukturiertes körperliches Training bei Krebspatienten kann dazu beitragen, Komplikationen und Nebenwirkungen während und nach einer onkologischen Therapie zu verringern oder zu vermeiden. Zudem können die Patienten dadurch ihr subjektives Wohlbefinden selbst verbessern. Studien zeigen, dass etwa Nebenwirkungen wie das Erschöpfungssyndrom Fatigue erfolgreich behandelt werden konnten.


Die Krebsgesellschaft schreib hierzu: 

Die Wirkungen von Sport bei Krebspatient*innen wurden in letzter Zeit vermehrt in klinischen Studien untersucht. Dabei hat sich gezeigt, dass körperliche Aktivität messbar die Nebenwirkungen einer Chemo- oder antihormonellen Therapie reduzieren kann. Außerdem steigert sich die Leistungsfähigkeit und das Selbstbewusstsein wird gestärkt – was die Lebensqualität enorm verbessern kann. Doch nicht nur das: Körperliche Aktivität hat auch direkte Einflüsse auf die Entstehung von Krebs, den Verlauf einer Krebserkrankung und das Rückfallrisiko. Sie leistet somit sowohl in der Primär-, Sekundär- und auch Tertiärprävention ihren Beitrag zur Vorbeugung von Krebs. Außerdem kann Sport die Lebensqualität während der Erkrankung  verbessern.

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Preparing for an operation

Well-trained people heal better!
For example, if a hip operation is pending, it is advisable to pull out all the stops in order to achieve the most perfect healing possible.

Preparation is the be-all and end-all
It is also helpful to familiarize yourself in advance with the exercises that are to be carried out after an operation. Motion sequences that the brain has already become acquainted with can be implemented better after the operation.

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04109 Leipzig