
The prices shown here apply regardless of the reimbursement amount of your insurer for all physiotherapy services with an existing medical prescription. Not all costs are always covered by the insurers. It is advisable to inquire about the reimbursement amount of your private health insurance before starting treatment. Some insurers reimburse in full, others, are based on the discount prices negotiated by the statutory health insurance companies. The deductible varies accordingly.


Die beihilferechtlichen Höchstbeträge für Heilmittel in den Bereichen Physiotherapie, Podologie und Ernährungstherapie wurden im April 2024 an die jeweiligen Höchstpreise im Bereich der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung angepasst.
Wichtig zum Verständnis ist, dass nicht Privat- und Beihilfeversicherte einen Aufpreis zahlen, sondern Kassenpatienten einen Mengenrabatt erhalten. Dieser ist im Rahmenvertrag gemäß §125 Abs. 1 SGB V mit den gesetzlichen Krankenkassen geregelt. 

Federal-Aid not full coverage

The aid rates are not equivalent to maximum charges for physiotherapy. The aid-payment is only a co-payment of the employer for the health care of state or federal employees at the private carges of the facility. They are free to set their charges and agree or coordinate them with the client. The legislator assumes for subsidized patients of a co-payment in a similar amount as for legally insured persons (they pay 10, - Euro per prescription plus 10% of the treatment fee). It should be noted that civil servants also have to pay significantly cheaper monthly premiums.


Practice owners must calculate fees according to economic criteria and can set them at their own discretion up to 3.5 times the local fee.


Privat / Beihilfe



The reserved time for a session is 20-30 minutes. This also includes documentation and organization.

€ 66,80 Euro


The reserved time for a session is 20-30 minutes. This also includes documentation and organization.

€ 56,18 Euro

Consultation (60 min)

Anamnesis, examination and consultation

€ 99,43 Euro

Heat Therapy (Hot Air)

€ 13,95 Euro

Heat Therapy (Heat Pack)

€ 30,40, Euro

Heat Therapy (Hot Roll)

€ 25,20 Euro

Hygienic flies for treatment table

Helfen Sie mit, die Umwelt zu schonen und bringen Sie, wenn möglich, ein großes Handtuch mit.

€ 2,25 Euro


The prices shown here apply regardless of the reimbursement amount of your insurer for all physiotherapy services with an existing medical prescription. Not all costs are always covered by the insurers. It is advisable to inquire about the reimbursement amount of your private health insurance before starting treatment. Some insurers reimburse in full, others, are based on the discount prices negotiated by the statutory health insurance companies. The deductible varies accordingly.


Die beihilferechtlichen Höchstbeträge für Heilmittel in den Bereichen Physiotherapie, Podologie und Ernährungstherapie wurden im April 2024 an die jeweiligen Höchstpreise im Bereich der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung angepasst.
Wichtig zum Verständnis ist, dass nicht Privat- und Beihilfeversicherte einen Aufpreis zahlen, sondern Kassenpatienten einen Mengenrabatt erhalten. Dieser ist im Rahmenvertrag gemäß §125 Abs. 1 SGB V mit den gesetzlichen Krankenkassen geregelt. 

Federal-Aid not full coverage

The aid rates are not equivalent to maximum charges for physiotherapy. The aid-payment is only a co-payment of the employer for the health care of state or federal employees at the private carges of the facility. They are free to set their charges and agree or coordinate them with the client. The legislator assumes for subsidized patients of a co-payment in a similar amount as for legally insured persons (they pay 10, - Euro per prescription plus 10% of the treatment fee). It should be noted that civil servants also have to pay significantly cheaper monthly premiums.


Practice owners must calculate fees according to economic criteria and can set them at their own discretion up to 3.5 times the local fee.


Diagnostik - ERGOMETER


mit Trainingsplan und Beratungsgespräch

€ 135,25 EUR *

Follow-Up Diagnostics

mit Trainingsplan und Beratungsgespräch

€ 60,25 EUR *

Diagnostik - Laufband

Individual Diagnostics

€ 135,25 EUR *


Jede weitere Person € 77,56 Euro *

€ 155,25 EUR *

* plus Test-Stripes á

€ 5,25 EUR


Running-Technik - outdoor

Ask for group discounts

€ 120,00 EUR / Std.

Gesetzlich Versicherte


according to § 61 SGB V

€ 10,00 Euro

10% of treatment fee

according Annex 2: Remuneration agreement to the contract according to § 125 paragraph 1 SGB V for physiotherapy

manual therapy

€ 3,34 Euro


€ 2,78 Euro

Hygienic flies for treatment table

Help to protect the environment and, if possible, bring a large towel.

€ 2,25 Euro