Allgemeine geschäftsbedingungen

1. Object of agreement

The subject of this contract is the implementation of a physiotherapeutic treatment.

2. Period of contract

The validity of the contract ends automatically with the provision of the service or after a therapy break of more than 12 weeks.

3. legally insured clients

Die Vergütung für Heilmittel rechnen wir direkt mit Ihrer gesetzlichen Krankenkasse ab. Gemäß den §§ 32, 43 c und 61 SGB V haben gesetzlich Versicherte Zuzahlungen für kassenärztlich verordnete Heilmittel zu tragen, sofern keine Befreiung von dieser Zuzahlungspflicht besteht. Die Höhe der Zuzahlungen beträgt 10% der Kosten sowie 10 Euro je Verordnung. Die Zuzahlung ist bis spätestens zur zweiten Behandlung fällig und per Überweisung oder per EC- oder Kreditkarte vor Ort zu entrichten.

4. Private clients

The remuneration for treatments will be settled with you directly and are binding regardless of any reimbursement from your subsidy and/or private health insurance. Inquire with your payer whether and to what extent the costs for physiotherapy measures will be covered.

Das Honorar für eine Behandlungseinheit errechnet sich aus der abgegebenen Dienstleistung bzw. dem verabreichten Heilmittel und eventuellen Zusatzleistungen lt. Preisliste. Das Honorar ist nach Erbringung der Einzelleistung, jedoch spätestens zum Rechnungsdatum fällig und per Überweisung oder unbar vor Ort mit Apple Pay, Google Pay, EC- oder Kreditkarte zu entrichten. Im Falle einer Begleichung per Banküberweisung sind etwaige Kosten innerhalb 14 Tagen zu zahlen. Mit Überschreitung dieser Zahlungsfrist entsteht, ohne weitere Zahlungsaufforderung oder Mahnung, ein Anspruch auf Berechnung der gesetzlichen Verzugszinsen in Höhe von fünf Prozentpunkten über dem Basiszinssatz.

5. Appointments / Cancellation of appointments

Die Praxis Spöckmaier wird nach dem Bestellsystem geführt. Behandlungen werden ausschließlich nach vorheriger Terminvergabe abgegeben. Online gebuchte Termine gelten als verbindliche Willenserklärung die Leistung in Anspruch zu nehmen. Die mit Ihnen vereinbarte Zeit ist ausschließlich für Sie reserviert. KlientInnen sind angehalten Termine pünktlich wahrzunehmen. Kann ein Termin nicht wahrgenommen werden muss dieser frühzeitig, spätestens jedoch 24 Stunden vorher by telephone, e-mail or the electronic booking portal. abgesagt werden. Anderenfalls wird eine Ausfallpauschale in Höhe von EUR 27,80 Rechnung gestellt.
 Nicht abgesagte Termine werden in Höhe der gebuchten Dienstleistung verrechnet. Es wird ausdrücklich darauf hingewiesen, dass die Ausfallpauschale nicht von der gesetzlichen bzw. privaten Krankenversicherung übernommen wird und privat getragen werden muss.

6. Consent to data processing

Consent is given for the Spöckmaier practice to collect, process and use personal data for the following purposes: - Maintaining contact details - Fulfillment of the treatment contract - Billing of services provided with health insurance companies, billing offices or personally - Documentation, treatment reports, doctor's letters, data transmitted to health insurance companies or billing company are also processed and used for the following purposes: contact maintenance, documentation, billing. The personal data collected within the framework of the aforementioned purposes will be collected, processed, used and transmitted in compliance with the GDPR and the BDSG. My data is collected, processed and used on a voluntary basis. A refusal means that the treatment contract cannot be concluded and the treatment cannot be billed to the health insurance company. It is possible at any time

  • to obtain information about the data stored about the person.
  • to request the deletion or blocking of individual personal data.

revoke this declaration of consent with effect for the future. A revocation must be made in writing to: Practice Spöckmaier, Dittrichring 15, 04109 Leipzig In the event of revocation, my data will be deleted after the statutory deadlines have expired and if such deadlines are no longer observed, upon receipt of the practice’s declaration of intent. The practice will notify my revocation to the above Pass it on to third parties, who in turn will then delete my data.

7. Disclaimer

The liability of Praxis Spöckmaier for property damage and financial losses is excluded for all cases of negligence. Any further liability – also with regard to employees – for intent remains unaffected.

8. Data Protection

According to data protection law (in particular the BDSG and the GDPR), we are obliged to inform you about the purposes for which we use your data in our practice. Responsible for the data processing is the practice Spöckmaier, Dittrichring 15, 04109 Leipzig. We collect and process your data exclusively for the purpose of carrying out medical treatments. We are involved in the contractual medical supply of therapeutic products as an approved service provider. Through the framework agreements, we are obliged to provide the following information for the billing of services to the statutory health insurance companies: billing data, ordinance sheets (including the complete information in the billing part, in each case in the original), if necessary, service commitments of the health insurance companies in the original. Due to legal requirements, we are obliged to keep this data for at least 10 years after completion of the treatment. We treat all patient data confidentially. Your data will be passed on to your treating doctors and to your health insurance, if legally insured, as well as to the billing center. A transfer to persons or bodies other than the aforementioned only takes place to the extent that we are obliged to do so by law or via the framework agreements with the statutory health insurance companies or you have expressly consented to the transfer of data. We are legally obliged to pass on data to doctors and health insurance companies. The transfer of data to the billing center is in our own interest. There are a large number of statutory health insurance companies and our patients are insured with different health insurance companies. The use of the billing center allows us to greatly simplify the billing process so that more time remains for you and the therapy. If you do not agree that we also pass on your data to the billing center for billing of your therapy, you can object to the transfer of data. The legal basis for data processing in our practice is in particular the treatment contract existing between you and us (Art. 6 para. 1 b GDPR, in conjunction.m Art. 9 para. 2 h, para. 3 GDPR and § 22 para. 2 no. 1 b BDSG) as well as the processing for the fulfillment of your own interests (Art. 6 para. 1 f GDPR). You have the right to information, data portability and restriction of processing. In addition, you have the right to complain to the competent supervisory authority in the event of infringements.